0 votes
in Other by (160 points)
Buonasera vi scrivo per comunicarvi che ho acquistato la vostra app ma purtroppo non riesce a leggere i codici a barra con la fotocamera.

Ho provato a disistallare e reinstallare l'applicazione ma non va lo stesso, il mio telefono รจ un Samsung S4 modello GT-9505 versione android 5.0.1

saluti Carmelo

2 Answers

0 votes
by (160 points)
edited by
Dear all,

I translate my question into English so it should be easier for you to reply.

I puchased this good app and I noticed that the camera doesn't read any type of barcode. I have to enter the barcode number manually. I restarted the phone multiple times and unistalled and reinstalled the app, but the problem persists.

My phone is a Samsung S4, model GT-9505, Android 5.0.1.

Could you tell me anything?
0 votes
by (45.1k points)
Sorry for not getting back to you earlier!

If you still have this issue, please install and use the following barcode scanner which is known to work perfectly with my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android
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