+1 vote
in Amazon by
Using latest version of Deliveries, on Nexus 6 rooted. Last night, I placed a couple of orders on Amazon, using my PC. 12 hours later, they hadn't shown up in Deliveries. I tried refreshing multiple times - nothing. A previous (still undelivered) Amazon order was there, and Deliveries indicated that that order had been updated (in other words, it looked as though Deliveries was able to access my Amazon account alright). So, to try to force Deliveries to "see" the recent orders, I revoked the Amazon account in Deliveries, and immediately set it up again. Selected "30 days", and Deliveries downloaded the last 30 days of orders, including the two I placed last night. So, the orders were there - but (until I revoked & reset), Deliveries didn't pick them up.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (190 points)
I am encountering the same problem.
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