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In my old phone (nexus 5, android 6.0) I made a backup to transfer all the information to the new phone (lenovo k3, android 5.0).

Then in the new phone I try to make a Restore from the zip file, but I keep receiving a Error message.

1 Answer

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by (45.9k points)
Thanks for the feedback.

The backup is specific to the database version so old backups can become incompatible. If you let me know the exact date of your last backup, I can supply you with the APK file that is able to restore it. Afterwards you can update the app via Google Play.
Thank you for your reply.
Regarding the exact date of my last backup, the filename is: deliveries-20150917, so 2015-09-17.
by (45.9k points)
If you were no beta tester then, this is the file for you: https://deliveries.orrs.de/apk/Deliveries-
Thanks for your help! it worked just fine.
I don't remember if I'm a beta tester, if not I would like to be. Can you direct me to the page for me to verify?
by (45.9k points)
I'm not really releasing beta updates at the moment - it was mainly useful in the months before I released the big 5.0 update. Still, I'll definitely be doing beta updates again in the future when new features get added to the app.
To become a beta tester just join this Google+ community: https://plus.google.com/communities/100239429294958662389
After I accepted your membership request, you'll find a link there to enable beta updates through Google Play.
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