+3 votes
in Other by (270 points)
I bought the PRO permanent version of this App, but China Post shippings cannot be translated! when I select Packpin and then China Post, and I do the refresh, it says that the refresh has been completed but nothing happens in the tracking history... I tried also on the packpin site and it doesn't recognise my tracking codes but they are completely working, example? try RS431788080NL, it works on 17Track.net but it doesn't on packpin... well... I bought the PRO permanent version and I need an app like this because I sell and buy printers and printer components worldwide, so I strictly need a good translation service in this App.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (880 points)
Yes the competing AfterShip app displays all tracking info from China Post in English, so Deliveries should be able to do the same.
0 votes
by (1.2k points)
+1 for this request
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