0 votes
in Other by (200 points)
Hi all.

So I get quite a few deliveries with tracking, but they don't have a native scannable code. I'd like to use a Firefox addon to generate a QR code of the tracking number via selecting/right-clicking the tracking number on a web page, then pointing the phone at my computer monitor to do the scan, however it generally doesn't work.

I'm not sure if the issue is in the Deliveries app or the QR code itself. Can anyone point me to a reliable QR/barcode generator plugin for Firefox that works with the Deliveries app?


1 Answer

0 votes
by (45.8k points)

If you're really only doing this for the tracking ID, you need to make sure to press the barcode button next to the tracking ID in the app - not the QR button next to the delivery name.

Also please make sure you're using a proper barcode scanner app on your device, e.g. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android

Finally, please try the following QR code generator to be sure that the Firefox plugin is causing the issues (not the scanner or my app): http://goqr.me

Unfortunately, I'm not using Firefox so if the plugin really is the problem, I cannot assist you any further. Thanks for your understanding.


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