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in Couriers by

Singapore Post has a beta website tracking which is this address: http://beta.singpost.com/track-items
Maybe you can put an extra entry in your courier list and put (beta) beside it so as to let people know it's fetching data from the beta website.

You can use my tracking number RC305406655NL for testing. Package coming from Netherlands PostNL to Singapore which hands over to Singapore Post.

1 Answer

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by (45.6k points)
As the data on both websites seems to be identical, I currently want to stay with the old website. Having "beta" in the tracking URL isn't a good this as they'll be changing that in the future and it would take an app update to accomodate for it.

Also multiple entries for the same courier tend to confuse many customers. Also I don't have a proper way to merge the two provider entries as soon as the new website replaces the old one completely (the beta provider will be useless then).

Please let me know if I missed an important reason for loading the data from the beta website instead of the old one.
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