0 votes
in Couriers by


there is no DPD LT (Lietuva) in the application.

I'm waiting for international package from Lietuva to Poland, I can only add DPD.pl - in this case I can only track it when the package is in Poland.


02.03.201701:07Biruliskes, ...


01.03.201719:51Vilnius (LT)

Siuntų surinkimo depe.

01.03.201718:24Vilnius (LT)

Siuntėjas perdavė siuntą DPD.

Please, add


1 Answer

0 votes
by (45.8k points)
Does the default DPD courier (without .pl) give results? If not, please send a working tracking ID to deliveries@orrs.de and refer to this ticket.
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