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in Couriers by (410 points)

It seems that packages shiped as "China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus" don't get tracked.


From AliExpress with trackingno: 04713489856

Shows up in AliExpress internal tracker (data from cainiao [1]) but not in the app or 17track [2].


[1] http://global.cainiao.com/detail.htm?mailNoList=04713489856

[2] http://www.17track.net/en/track?nums=04713489856

2 Answers

0 votes
by (410 points)
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Best answer
Found another "China Post" (Shown as "Posten(Kina)" in Swedish) that solved it.

Perhaps the List of Couriers should be translated as:

local name (original name)


Posten Kina (China Post, 中国邮政)

Or something like that
0 votes
by (410 points)
Simply use China Post it will work with Cainiao
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