0 votes
in Couriers by

Dynamex tracking no longer updates. When I click "Show in browser", It goes to a webpage that displays the following text:

This tracking page has moved. Please adjust any bookmarks you may have. You will be automatically redirected to the new location. The new location is

Cette page de suivi a été déplacée. S'il vous plaît ajuster les signets que vous pourriez avoir. Vous serez automatiquement redirigé vers le nouvel emplacement. Le nouvel emplacement est


1 Answer

+2 votes
by (45.9k points)
This will be fixed soon and Dynamex will be renamed to TForce Final Mile. Sorry for the inconvenience!
by (140 points)
Thank you very much :)
by (240 points)
Tforce doesn't seem to work for me.
Here is an example of a successful search:


However, using that tracking number in the app does not appear to work.

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