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in Other by (520 points)
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I have a parcel that is shipped with correos and i notice that it shows the infos in Spanish. So i check their website and your app. It seems that you use the link: http://aplicacionesweb.correos.es/localizadorenvios/track.asp?accion=LocalizaUno&numero=RV223232564ES. But if you add the attribute "idiomaCorreos=en_GB", the link changes to http://aplicacionesweb.correos.es/localizadorenvios/track.asp?idiomaCorreos=en_GB&accion=LocalizaUno&numero=RV223232564ES then it shows the english infos, the only drawback is that the site isn't fully localized.

Hope it helps!
closed with the note: Fixed with last update

1 Answer

0 votes
by (45.9k points)
Thanks for letting me know, I'll change this in the next update!
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