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in New feature request by (520 points)
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I see that the UPS class doesn't support greek language. I can provide you the details that may help you implement it. So, for greek language there are two options, one for Greece (el_GR) and one for Cyprus (el_CY). Both countries use this date format:

SimpleDateFormat("d/M/y H:m", Locale.US

SimpleDateFormat("d/M/y", Locale.US

Hope it helps :)
closed with the note: Added with last update

1 Answer

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by (44.8k points)

Thanks for letting me know! UPS tracking will be greek depending on your device/app language starting with the next update.

PS: Date format seems to be "d.M.y H:m" instead (at least for el_GR) wink

by (520 points)
I checked it now and you are right, el_GR has "d.M.y H:m" and el_CY "d/M/y H:m"
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