+13 votes
in Couriers by (220 points)
by (110 points)
I would like to know the same thing. Hopefully someone can let us know.  Thank you
by (110 points)
Same, I keep getting an Error Loading Data! message, but the browser link works fine
by (110 points)
Thank you. I did not get the update.  But got it now. Very much appreciate it.
by (140 points)
Any update to this?   Fedex still not working for me.
by (240 points)
Since the beginning of this month, the timestamp for each new FedEx update is based on the time-zone of the device instead of the actual package.  I'm able to workaround this if the package has only travelled through one time zone by changing my Android device's system time but for a package that has travel multiple time-zones I'm not able to fix it without spending a lot of time manually entering each update.  My FedEx packages are US-based.
by (240 points)
I'm on Wifi all the time for this device
by (240 points)
To report back, I tried using mobile data but it would say Error Loading Data for FedEx.  I realized that the time-zone issue also impacts some other carriers (such as OnTrac).  Other carriers however have the correct time-zone for the statuses (such as USPS, UPS and Amazon Logistics US).
by (100 points)
Any solutions?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (45.8k points)
edited by
Thanks for your feedback!

I'm currently working on a solution for this, but it turned out a little more difficult than I expected. Rest assured that getting an update out for FedEx is my main priority at the moment.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Update: beta version is live on Google Play. I will release it for everyone soon, as long as no unforeseen issues come up.
by (45.8k points)
Thanks for letting me know. Could you please send an error report via email, so I can look into it? (from the detail view of the delivery, press the three buttons on the top right and choose "Report problem" followed by your email app).
by (45.8k points)
Thanks for your reply. Looks like you didn't get today's beta update yet (it's "5.7.17 (1949)")
by (120 points)
Tried the beta (5.7.17), it took an hour and then rebooting my phone before Google Play finally enrolled me in the beta and installed it, but I can confirm FedEx tracking is working again in it! Thanks!
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